I Carpini

Established in the mid 1990s by Paulo Ghislandi, whose parents brough him from Milan to an old abandoned vineyard in the Tortona Hills.
Since 2018, son Riccardo is active in the project and gave us a wonderful overview of their winery and range of wines in 2022.
I Carpini is named after Hornbeam trees “carpini” growing naturally around the property
Both the family home and winery use 100% renewable energy.

With 6ha (unlikely to grow to more than 10), the Ghislandi’s work holistically (biodynamically from the start) with whole vineyard ecosystem and work with the local university  to understand how fungus, roots, yeasts, insects all interact.

Grapes are hand harvested and fermented at low temperatures on their natural yeasts, or in some cases on yeasts cultivated from their own strains in the vineyards.
Wines are aged in old oak and new concrete eggs (v1 rounder, v2 oval) and the use of sulphites is limited to small amounts before bottling only.

Look out for the stylish new labels designed during lockdown by a local artist. Each label represents a different element of the vineyard.

I Carpini produce the following Timorasso:

  • Rugiada del Mattino – “morning dew”
  • Brezza d’Estate Riserva – “summer breeze” released after 5 years to ensure it’s showing at its best.
  • TIMOX orange – (TIMorasso + OXidation) aged in clay amphorae, a project started in 2011 and evolving each year since.
  • Chiaror Sul Masso – “moonlight on the rocks”.  Sparkling – Méthode Classique with 36 months on lees.
  • PET-NAT : an orange pét-nat made with a blend of Timorasso and Cortese.
  • They also produce one grappa (cinquantagradi).

I Carpini Labels (left)

Riccardo Ghislandi in I Carpini cellar (right)

Producer Info

Winery: I Carpini
Established: 1998
Winemaker: Paulo Ghislandi
Hectares: 6Ha (likely to be limited to 10Ha in future)
Vine age: 1996 (one parcel dates back to 1926)


Timorasso, Cortese
Barbera, Freisa, Croatina
Philosophy: Working holistically with the whole vineyard ecosystem
Viticulture: Organic (certified)
Vinification: Stainless steel & clay amphora (Timorasso). Some old oak used in the reds
Bottles/year: 40-60,000 / year
Visits: By appointment
Address: SP105, 1, 15050 Pozzol Groppo AL
Website: https://icarpini.it/