
Alessandro Bressan left his full time job as an industrial technician to take over the management of the family farm following the passing of his father after planting the first Timorasso vines.

Helped only by his mother, Rosanna, he manages 8 Ha of vines of which 2 are Timorasso.

Fiordaliso means “cornflower”, named after his father’s habit of bringing his wife wild cornflowers from the countryside

Alessandro keeps the yields low and harvests at optimum maturity.
Fiordaliso Timorasso was one of the first to strike me as different as it displays a feminine, floral character, almost lavender that stuck with me ever since.

Fiordaliso produce 2 Timorasso:

  • Derthona : the flagship wine from the younger 2017 vines
  • Cleonice : from the older vines planted in 2010

Producer Info

Winery: Fiordaliso
Established: 2013
Winemaker: Alessandro Bressan
Hectares: 2 Ha Timorasso (of 8 Ha total)
Vine age: 2010, 2017


Barbera, Croatina (+ some Dolcetto & Freisa)
Bottles/year: 3,700 (Timorasso). 8,000 total
Address: 17 via Stazione, Volpeglino, 15050, AL